
Friday, May 28, 2010

Hellooo, WhaTZ uP!!

It just dawned on me, that to be living in the strangest thing... because, in a sense, We are existing in form during the end of time... and yet as We 'know' that the life situation can be no different than It Is.... We, also know, that the possibility of everyone {living} or , at least much greater numbers of Full On equality... Aware of Oneness.... is becoming, in a sense, reality... so it is normal... to feel the longing for that 'reality', now... And on the other hand.. it is not possible for things to be different!! Where as if We lived in the past, with the same relative consciousness... We would have died 'broken hearted'... And of course, there are no 'ifs'..... WoW....

I also have this sense...that technology is not keeping up... currently... the more people wake-up. Perhaps, less need... I feel pulled by the technology now... to connect with signs of "Intelligent Life"....Ha!! And the activity, for most, is drawn in the 'day to day'.... or various 'basking' stages.... ??

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